Great response for the TransHyDE project

Great response for the TransHyDE project

After 5 days of exhi­bi­ting at ACHEMA in the Rese­arch and Inno­va­tions sec­tion in Hall 6.0 Booth A36 at the Trans­HyDE booth we are abso­lut­e­ly over­whel­med by the respon­se. Trans­HyDE is one of the three flag­ship pro­jects of the Ger­man Fede­ral...

First custody transfer installation of an MGCdirect

meterQ has suc­cess­ful­ly com­mis­sio­ned the MGCdi­rect for cus­to­dy trans­fer gas qua­li­ty mea­su­re­ment. This is the first instal­la­ti­on of its kind, and it is a first step in the direc­tion of redu­cing emis­si­ons in gas qua­li­ty deter­mi­na­ti­on....
Gas and Heat Institute Essen commissions meterQ 

Gas and Heat Institute Essen commissions meterQ 

meterQ recei­ved an order for an MGC­flex for the deter­mi­na­ti­on of hydro­gen in the ran­ge of 90 to 100% and impu­ri­ties such as nitro­gen, car­bon dioxi­de, car­bon mon­oxi­de, metha­ne, etha­ne, pro­pa­ne and buta­ne in the ran­ge up to 1000 ppm. In the cour­se...
MGCdirect receives PTB approval (DE-22-M-PTB-0015)

MGCdirect receives PTB approval (DE-22-M-PTB-0015)

The MGCdi­rect by meterQ has recei­ved Ger­man metro­lo­gi­cal PTB approval.It thus com­ple­tes appro­ving the MGC fami­ly. The MGC­flex and the MGC­mo­bi­le had alrea­dy recei­ved PTB appro­val in Febru­a­ry 2022. The MGC­mo­bi­le is the first qua­li­ty...

Meter-Q Solutions GmbH
Grüner Weg 7
D-61169 Friedberg
+49 6031 96587 40