We help You achieve sustainability

Acting sus­tain­ab­ly means taking future gene­ra­ti­ons into account when con­sum­ing raw mate­ri­als and other tre­asu­res of the earth. Quite sim­ply, we must not con­su­me more/faster than can grow back.

Bro­chu­re (Down­load PDF)

In our indus­try, whe­re ever­y­thing still revol­ves around natu­ral gas, the issue of sus­taina­bi­li­ty can­not be empha­si­zed enough. Natu­ral gas is a fos­sil raw mate­ri­al, and sup­pli­es are limi­t­ed. The cur­rent cri­sis makes this clear to us more than ever. We at meter Q have the­r­e­fo­re dedi­ca­ted our­sel­ves to this topic and can help You to beco­me more sus­tainable with our ser­vices and our pro­ducts. In doing so, You will be con­ser­ving the resour­ce natu­ral gas, the cli­ma­te, the envi­ron­ment and ulti­m­ate­ly hel­ping to secu­re our and our children’s future.

The most important buz­zword in this con­text is cer­tain­ly hydro­gen. How hydro­gen can sup­ple­ment natu­ral gas and per­haps replace it com­ple­te­ly in the future is a con­tro­ver­si­al issue. Weil meter Qis at the fore­front of rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment in this area, you will find some infor­ma­ti­on on hydro­gen on this web­site..

The fact that we can and must beco­me more sus­tainable with natu­ral gas is obvious. Us equip­ment manu­fac­tu­r­ers have been asked by cus­to­mers for the last 10 years what can be done to redu­ce bypass flows or to recy­cle the gas that flows through the bypas­ses ins­tead of blo­wing it into the atmo­sphe­re.

To ela­bo­ra­te, gas ana­ly­zers are usual­ly instal­led a few meters away from sam­pling point at the pipe­line. Sin­ce each ana­ly­zer con­su­mes a fixed amount of gas per ana­ly­sis, only as much gas (volu­me) can flow from the line to the ana­ly­zer as the ana­ly­zer con­su­mes. This results in a fixed velo­ci­ty and the­r­e­fo­re time for the sam­ple to reach the ana­ly­zer. The mea­su­re­ment delay or dead time that elap­ses bet­ween taking the sam­ple and sen­ding the result is the sum of the ana­ly­sis time and the trans­port time. . If You want to redu­ce the dead time, the only opti­on with a fixed ana­ly­sis dura­ti­on is to redu­ce the trans­port time. To do this, a bypass is instal­led which increa­ses the flow rate by allo­wing addi­tio­nal gas to flow past the ana­ly­zer. This gas is ven­ted into the atmo­sphe­re.

How much gas is blown off into the atmo­sphe­re depends on the one hand on the dead time to be achie­ved and on the other hand on the phy­si­cal con­di­ti­ons such as line pres­su­re and distance to the ana­ly­zer. In prac­ti­ce, more than 10 times as much gas is usual­ly emit­ted via bypass than the ana­ly­zer its­elf con­su­mes for the mea­su­re­ment. Retur­ning the gas to the line is not eco­no­mic­al sin­ce it is redu­ced to atmo­sphe­ric pres­su­re at the bypass. Every bypass not only was­tes an enorm­ous amount of gas, but also harms the envi­ron­ment, sin­ce natu­ral gas is 25 times as harmful to the cli­ma­te (green­house effect) than CO2.

At this point meterQ can help You redu­ce the­se bypass emis­si­ons or even avo­id them com­ple­te­ly wit­hout accep­ting nega­ti­ve effects on dead time: Ins­tead of using a con­ven­tio­nal PGC, use our MGCdirect, which is instal­led direct­ly on the pipe­line with its spe­cial sam­pling pro­be, offe­ring by far the shor­test dead time of all cus­t­ody trans­fer solu­ti­ons with no bypass emis­si­on at all. A dou­ble bene­fit: fas­test respon­se time com­ple­te­ly wit­hout bypass emis­si­ons.

The third mea­su­re, which is always pos­si­ble, and which does not requi­re spe­cial hard­ware, is ana­ly­sis and opti­miza­ti­on of the over­all instal­la­ti­on. You can make use of the fact that usual­ly not only one but seve­ral gas ana­ly­zers (bes­i­des cus­t­ody trans­fer mea­su­re­ment, oxy­gen sen­sor, sul­fur mea­su­re­ment, dew point, …) are ope­ra­ted in one instal­la­ti­on. 2 Here, it makes sen­se to use a com­mon sup­p­ly line and to arran­ge the devices sen­si­bly accor­ding to the working pres­su­re. This way, ana­ly­zer flow rates add up and only a sin­gle bypass is nee­ded, if at all, which is much smal­ler than if each device has to be sup­pli­ed indi­vi­du­al­ly. We would be hap­py to eva­lua­te Your opti­miza­ti­on poten­ti­al and car­ry out the con­ver­si­on at Your request.

Fur­ther­mo­re, the­re are the litt­le things that con­tri­bu­te to sus­taina­bi­li­ty and that we con­sis­t­ent­ly take into account in pro­ducts and pro­jects. We opti­mi­ze our instal­la­ti­ons to save ener­gy and mate­ri­als whe­re pos­si­ble. For exam­p­le, we will always try to trans­mit signals digi­tal­ly over one data line, rather than over many cont­act lines. We use com­pon­ents and build our equip­ment to run as ener­gy-effi­ci­ent­ly as pos­si­ble, to be low-main­ten­an­ce, and to con­tain as few wear parts as pos­si­ble. We build modu­lar­ly and with recy­clable mate­ri­als so that an exis­ting instal­la­ti­on can be easi­ly expan­ded, adapt­ed or even recy­cled.

And our own sustainability?

Of cour­se, when it comes to sus­taina­bi­li­ty, we don’t just look out­ward, but also impro­ve our inter­nal pro­ces­ses with the aim of beco­ming at least cli­ma­te neu­tral. In other words, we as a com­pa­ny would like to achie­ve a posi­ti­ve envi­ron­men­tal balan­ce and be able to offer you our ser­vices wit­hout har­ming the envi­ron­ment and the cli­ma­te.

We want to mini­mi­ze our own CO2-foot­print, we want to redu­ce our ener­gy con­sump­ti­on, we want to work more effi­ci­ent­ly, we want to live envi­ron­men­tal awa­re­ness. The­r­e­fo­re, a few months ago we intro­du­ced an envi­ron­men­tal manage­ment sys­tem accor­ding to ISO 14001, which allows us to eva­lua­te all our pro­ces­ses and opti­mi­ze them accor­ding to envi­ron­men­tal aspects. We have deci­ded to first prac­ti­ce the sys­tem for one year befo­re we get cer­ti­fied accor­ding to ISO 14001 next year.

As a small com­pa­ny, we have limi­t­ed resour­ces but one big advan­ta­ge: we are very fle­xi­ble and agi­le. Sus­taina­bi­li­ty is important to all of us and tog­e­ther we achie­ve and live it.

Meter-Q Solutions GmbH
Grüner Weg 7
D-61169 Friedberg
+49 6031 96587 40