Our Team

Competent and cooperative

We are all proud of our team. We have set our sights high, and in doing so, we are dedi­ca­ted to one idea: We want not­hing less than to make the best gas ana­ly­sis pos­si­ble. Becau­se clean and pre­dic­ta­ble ener­gy is beco­ming more important every day. Each and every one of us con­tri­bu­tes in our own way to achie­ving this goal.

That’s why we intro­du­ce each and every one of them to you in detail here. Becau­se our peo­p­le say best who meterQ real­ly is.

Dr. Achim Zajc

Dipl. Chemist

Whoe­ver sta­tes “gas chro­ma­to­gra­phy” as a hob­by must alre­a­dy have a very spe­cial rela­ti­onship to it. Dr. Zajc has it. He has tur­ned his hob­by into a pro­fes­si­on, and very suc­cessful­ly at that. The co-foun­der and share­hol­der of Meter‑Q embo­dies the company’s inno­va­ti­ve spi­rit and sci­ence-based qua­li­ty like no other. Zajc’s mis­si­on is to ana­ly­ze, under­stand and find the right solu­ti­ons to not only the gas, but most important­ly the pro­blems of its cus­to­mers.

“Meter‑Q is a solu­ti­on-ori­en­ted pro­vi­der,” he notes. “We don’t push any­thing into the mar­ket. We ask what the cus­to­mer needs and deli­ver the per­fect indi­vi­du­al solu­ti­on.” Typi­cal of his team of spe­cia­lists, which he leads in a flat hier­ar­chy and at eye level, is the sophisti­ca­ti­on of the­se solu­ti­ons. Many of them are uni­que on the mar­ket and fill him with pri­de, for exam­p­le, the gas chro­ma­to­graph, which redu­ces the esca­ping gas by up to 99% during mea­su­re­ment.

And yes, the­re is still room for other small hob­bies: gar­dening, coo­king tog­e­ther with his wife and swim­ming, for exam­p­le.

Dr. Jan Suhr

Dipl. Chemist

Dr. Suhr joi­n­ed meter‑Q in mid-2020 as mana­ger of glo­bal mar­ke­ting and deve­lo­p­ment for the pro­cess gas chro­ma­to­graph. Sin­ce then he has been working the mar­kets — most­ly vir­tual­ly — not only in Ger­ma­ny and France but also in Eas­tern Euro­pe, Asia and Sau­di Ara­bia.

In addi­ti­on, the tech­no­phi­le che­mist also acts as the company’s “jack-of-all-trades,” wri­ting tech­ni­cal artic­les for indus­try jour­nals and web­sites, dra­wing up con­tracts, ins­truc­ting employees, and ser­ving as the boss’s “right-hand man” and part­ner in plan­ning mee­tings. As of mid-2022, he is the depu­ty direc­tor of the sta­te-appro­ved test­ing agen­cy that ope­ra­tes Meter‑Q.

He demons­tra­tes his pas­si­on for tech­ni­cal­ly com­pli­ca­ted things not only with a sophisti­ca­ted smart home at his home but abo­ve all with the chal­lenges that a deve­lo­p­ment such as the gas chro­ma­to­graph brings with it.

If you want to share in his inte­res­t­ing job and his pro­found exper­ti­se, it is best to fol­low the links on this web­site that lead to the latest of his pro­fes­sio­nal artic­les.

Jost Körte


As foun­der and share­hol­der, Jost Kör­te plays a cen­tral role for Meter‑Q. He sees his role as an idea gene­ra­tor and visio­na­ry “ins­ti­ga­tor” of the team. In fact, his team shares with him the con­vic­tion that their work makes an important con­tri­bu­ti­on to the future of gas tech­no­lo­gy and the ener­gy indus­try, and thus to socie­ty as a who­le. Even though he is not ope­ra­tio­nal, you can feel his pre­sence in the com­pa­ny in the form of many con­ver­sa­ti­ons with his part­ners, employees he coa­ches and men­tors.

His con­vic­tion that cli­ma­te pro­tec­tion can only be achie­ved with cut­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gy has led to fasci­na­ting inno­va­tions in gas mea­su­re­ment tech­no­lo­gy. Kör­te is par­ti­cu­lar­ly proud of the trans­mit­ter solu­ti­on deve­lo­ped by Meter‑Q for the gas chro­ma­to­graph, which, with its nano-mea­su­re­ment tech­no­lo­gy, returns up to 99% of the cli­ma­te-dama­ging metha­ne gas in the con­ti­nuous mea­su­re­ment pro­ces­ses direct­ly to the gas pipe­line and pre­vents it from ente­ring the atmo­sphe­re in the first place. He sees the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on to cli­ma­te-fri­end­ly hydro­gen tech­no­lo­gy as a major goal to which he and his com­pa­ny are com­mit­ted.

Stefan Johr

State Certified Technician

In der Mess- und Regel­tech­nik ist Ästhe­tik nicht immer ein gro­ßes The­ma. Ste­fan Johr sees things dif­fer­ent­ly. For the plan­ner, draft­sman and pro­ject mana­ger, the appearance of a tech­ni­cal instal­la­ti­on also plays a role. “Qua­li­ty should also be reco­gni­zed visual­ly,” he says, becau­se in ever­y­day life, an appe­al­ing design also has an effect on atten­ti­ve hand­ling of the tech­no­lo­gy — and thus also on safe­ty.

Johr has been with Meter‑Q sin­ce 2017 and enjoys the varied tasks that come his way here. This beg­ins with the plan­ning mee­ting at the customer’s site, whe­re the aim is to find intel­li­gent indi­vi­du­al solu­ti­ons, con­ti­nues with the user-fri­end­ly com­po­si­ti­on of func­tions, and only ends when the new plant is com­mis­sio­ned and func­tions perfectly.It is pre­cis­e­ly this demand through a wide varie­ty of tasks that fasci­na­tes Ste­fan Johr and dri­ves him again and again to “think out­side the box”. Becau­se what he sees the­re in the world of gas tech­no­lo­gy “is sim­ply fasci­na­ting.”

Zoltan Kiss


Con­trol cabi­nets, pipe con­s­truc­tions, pres­su­re regu­la­tors and elec­tri­cal com­pon­ents in ana­ly­sis plants — this is the world of Zol­tan Kiss. The nati­ve Hun­ga­ri­an has been with the com­pa­ny sin­ce 2018 and has sin­ce enjoy­ed the app­re­cia­ti­on of his col­le­agues for his pre­cise work. It is pre­cis­e­ly the high­ly con­cen­tra­ted buil­ding in the work­shop, the mathe­ma­ti­cal pre­pa­ra­ti­on that he enjoys. Being part of a team that deve­lo­ps for­ward-loo­king tech­no­lo­gies fills him with pri­de.

He con­siders the ver­sa­ti­li­ty of his tasks in the work­shop to be a gre­at asset in his pro­fes­sio­nal care­er, as is the good team spi­rit and working atmo­sphe­re. Just like the ath­le­tic chal­lenges of biking, jog­ging and working out at the gym, he loves taking on com­plex tasks that start with sens­ing cus­to­mer needs. Fin­ding out the best pos­si­bi­li­ties here and imple­men­ting them con­vin­cin­g­ly gives him the decisi­ve “kick”.

Ulf Lehmann,

State Certified Technician

As the “exten­ded arm” of the com­pa­ny, Ulf Leh­mann sits very clo­se to his cus­to­mers in the eas­tern sta­tes of Ger­ma­ny. The pro­ject mana­ger not only takes care of the clas­sic pro­ject manage­ment for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the Meter‑Q sys­tems, he main­ly works on new designs, which he does on the com­pu­ter with 3D pro­grams.

“Deve­lop, place and build,” that’s his thing. But what sounds so simp­le requi­res a lot of dif­fe­rent know­ledge and expe­ri­ence. The­se bene­fit his com­pa­ny in a varie­ty of ways. Thus, he will be the test site mana­ger of the new test site at Meter‑Q from mid-2022.

He is fasci­na­ted by the design qua­li­ty of the meter‑Q sys­tems, which he proud­ly sta­tes are abso­lut­e­ly lea­ding in the indus­try. Last but not least, also in terms of sus­taina­bi­li­ty due to the signi­fi­cant reduc­tion of CO2 and metha­ne gas in gas mea­su­re­ments.

Katharina Luckner

Office Administrator

“Here, ever­yo­ne has to do ever­y­thing,” says Katha­ri­na Luck­ner, describ­ing her own very exten­si­ve ran­ge of tasks: office orga­niza­ti­on, purcha­sing, inven­to­ry manage­ment, cor­re­spon­dence, audi­ting, accoun­ting … no, making the boss’s cof­fee is not one of them, “ever­yo­ne here sim­ply does it them­sel­ves. Loo­king at it clo­se­ly, Katha­ri­na Luck­ner does ever­y­thing she can so that the others can work in peace and keeps their backs open. “In the past, this was cal­led the “back­bone of the team. Today, it’s cal­led “back­up.”

She star­ted at Meter‑Q in 2018 and is still fasci­na­ted by the sophisti­ca­ted solu­ti­ons that are deve­lo­ped here. That’s whe­re she gets a litt­le itchy in the fin­gers, becau­se she hers­elf likes to do han­di­crafts. A prac­ti­cal woman, she lives out her crea­ti­ve streak at home, desig­ning and deco­ra­ting the apart­ment and fixing what’s bro­ken. Almost like Meter‑Q.

Pavlos Pessios


In meter‑Q’s work­shop, the plan­ners’ for­ward-loo­king designs are trans­for­med into hard rea­li­ty. This is whe­re elec­tri­cal spe­cia­list Pav­los Pes­si­os has been working sin­ce 2019. For exam­p­le, the pro­duc­tion of indi­vi­du­al con­trol cabi­nets, hard­ly any of which resem­bles the other, becau­se he meti­cu­lous­ly adapts them to the wis­hes of the cus­to­mer.

It is a com­plex job that requi­res as much trai­ning as expe­ri­ence and mecha­ni­cal sen­si­ti­vi­ty. And it is pre­cis­e­ly this, name­ly the ver­sa­ti­li­ty of the requi­re­ments (“We actual­ly have to be able to do ever­y­thing”) that gives the “cer­ti­fied expert for gas pres­su­re, gas con­trol and mea­su­re­ment sys­tems” plea­su­re. Just a moment ago, he was pre­cis­e­ly cut­ting, ben­ding and scre­wing stain­less steel tubes, when he was alre­a­dy on his way to the cus­to­mer with the assem­bly bus to suc­cessful­ly install his work. Every day some­thing new, that’s how it should be,” Pes­si­os thinks proud­ly: “We don’t do any­thing by the book here.”

Karsten Szameitpreuksch

State Certified Technician

“As com­pact and mobi­le as pos­si­ble” is how Szameit­preuksch, the pro­ject mana­ger and plan­ner, wants to see his plants built, while also being tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly top-notch, per­fect­ly cus­to­mi­zed, solid and visual­ly appe­al­ing. He takes it for gran­ted that he will always live up to this high stan­dard: “We don’t do a run of the mill here!”

His tasks ran­ge from the pre­pa­ra­ti­on of quo­ta­ti­ons, plan dra­wings and pro­ject coor­di­na­ti­on to the finis­hed instal­la­ti­on on the con­s­truc­tion site. Wher­eby alre­a­dy the begin­ning has a gre­at importance for him: The ten­der must be ful­fil­led but still review­ed and ques­tio­ned. This means “lis­ten, look, dis­cuss …”. And then think well. “You have to get deep into the sub­ject mat­ter first,” he says, to find indi­vi­du­al, cut­ting-edge and tru­ly future-pro­of solu­ti­ons.

Andrej Wolf


New-greed would be an apt term for Andrej Wolf, and in a posi­ti­ve sen­se: what dri­ves him is con­stant lear­ning in his field of work, gas mea­su­re­ment tech­no­lo­gy. Alt­hough he joi­n­ed the com­pa­ny — in 2017 — as an expe­ri­en­ced elec­tri­cal engi­neer, Wolf has sin­ce “lear­ned some­thing more every day” as pro­ject mana­ger and work­shop mana­ger. Becau­se “every order is some­thing new! We don’t build stan­dard plants. With us, ever­y­thing is cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic.”

Thus, his acti­vi­ties also include issues of auto­ma­ti­on, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy and mecha­nics. “All of us here have to be fle­xi­ble,” he says, “which means not only office work, but there’s also a lot of manu­al work to be done.” He is glad that his col­le­agues see it the same way.

Away from work, he enjoys rea­ding, gar­dening, cycling and, when pos­si­ble, win­ter sports.

And that’s you!

Welcome to our team!

Have you read the por­traits of our employees? Did­n’t that exci­te you too? Then just join us!

You can see from the job adver­ti­se­ments who we curr­ent­ly need. App­ly and may­be we will see each other in per­son soon.

Your Meter‑Q team

Meter-Q Solutions GmbH
Grüner Weg 7
D-61169 Friedberg

+49 6031 96587 40