Our Team
Competent and cooperative
We are all proud of our team. We have set our sights high, and in doing so, we are dedicated to one idea: We want nothing less than to make the best gas analysis possible. Because clean and predictable energy is becoming more important every day. Each and every one of us contributes in our own way to achieving this goal.
That’s why we introduce each and every one of them to you in detail here. Because our people say best who meterQ really is.

Dr. Achim Zajc
Dipl. Chemist
Whoever states “gas chromatography” as a hobby must already have a very special relationship to it. Dr. Zajc has it. He has turned his hobby into a profession, and very successfully at that. The co-founder and shareholder of Meter‑Q embodies the company’s innovative spirit and science-based quality like no other. Zajc’s mission is to analyze, understand and find the right solutions to not only the gas, but most importantly the problems of its customers.
“Meter‑Q is a solution-oriented provider,” he notes. “We don’t push anything into the market. We ask what the customer needs and deliver the perfect individual solution.” Typical of his team of specialists, which he leads in a flat hierarchy and at eye level, is the sophistication of these solutions. Many of them are unique on the market and fill him with pride, for example, the gas chromatograph, which reduces the escaping gas by up to 99% during measurement.
And yes, there is still room for other small hobbies: gardening, cooking together with his wife and swimming, for example.

Dr. Jan Suhr
Dipl. Chemist
Dr. Suhr joined meter‑Q in mid-2020 as manager of global marketing and development for the process gas chromatograph. Since then he has been working the markets — mostly virtually — not only in Germany and France but also in Eastern Europe, Asia and Saudi Arabia.
In addition, the technophile chemist also acts as the company’s “jack-of-all-trades,” writing technical articles for industry journals and websites, drawing up contracts, instructing employees, and serving as the boss’s “right-hand man” and partner in planning meetings. As of mid-2022, he is the deputy director of the state-approved testing agency that operates Meter‑Q.
He demonstrates his passion for technically complicated things not only with a sophisticated smart home at his home but above all with the challenges that a development such as the gas chromatograph brings with it.
If you want to share in his interesting job and his profound expertise, it is best to follow the links on this website that lead to the latest of his professional articles.

Jost Körte
As founder and shareholder, Jost Körte plays a central role for Meter‑Q. He sees his role as an idea generator and visionary “instigator” of the team. In fact, his team shares with him the conviction that their work makes an important contribution to the future of gas technology and the energy industry, and thus to society as a whole. Even though he is not operational, you can feel his presence in the company in the form of many conversations with his partners, employees he coaches and mentors.
His conviction that climate protection can only be achieved with cutting-edge technology has led to fascinating innovations in gas measurement technology. Körte is particularly proud of the transmitter solution developed by Meter‑Q for the gas chromatograph, which, with its nano-measurement technology, returns up to 99% of the climate-damaging methane gas in the continuous measurement processes directly to the gas pipeline and prevents it from entering the atmosphere in the first place. He sees the energy transition to climate-friendly hydrogen technology as a major goal to which he and his company are committed.

Stefan Johr
State Certified Technician
In der Mess- und Regeltechnik ist Ästhetik nicht immer ein großes Thema. Stefan Johr sees things differently. For the planner, draftsman and project manager, the appearance of a technical installation also plays a role. “Quality should also be recognized visually,” he says, because in everyday life, an appealing design also has an effect on attentive handling of the technology — and thus also on safety.
Johr has been with Meter‑Q since 2017 and enjoys the varied tasks that come his way here. This begins with the planning meeting at the customer’s site, where the aim is to find intelligent individual solutions, continues with the user-friendly composition of functions, and only ends when the new plant is commissioned and functions perfectly.It is precisely this demand through a wide variety of tasks that fascinates Stefan Johr and drives him again and again to “think outside the box”. Because what he sees there in the world of gas technology “is simply fascinating.”

Zoltan Kiss
Control cabinets, pipe constructions, pressure regulators and electrical components in analysis plants — this is the world of Zoltan Kiss. The native Hungarian has been with the company since 2018 and has since enjoyed the appreciation of his colleagues for his precise work. It is precisely the highly concentrated building in the workshop, the mathematical preparation that he enjoys. Being part of a team that develops forward-looking technologies fills him with pride.
He considers the versatility of his tasks in the workshop to be a great asset in his professional career, as is the good team spirit and working atmosphere. Just like the athletic challenges of biking, jogging and working out at the gym, he loves taking on complex tasks that start with sensing customer needs. Finding out the best possibilities here and implementing them convincingly gives him the decisive “kick”.

Ulf Lehmann,
State Certified Technician
As the “extended arm” of the company, Ulf Lehmann sits very close to his customers in the eastern states of Germany. The project manager not only takes care of the classic project management for the implementation of the Meter‑Q systems, he mainly works on new designs, which he does on the computer with 3D programs.
“Develop, place and build,” that’s his thing. But what sounds so simple requires a lot of different knowledge and experience. These benefit his company in a variety of ways. Thus, he will be the test site manager of the new test site at Meter‑Q from mid-2022.
He is fascinated by the design quality of the meter‑Q systems, which he proudly states are absolutely leading in the industry. Last but not least, also in terms of sustainability due to the significant reduction of CO2 and methane gas in gas measurements.

Katharina Luckner
Office Administrator
“Here, everyone has to do everything,” says Katharina Luckner, describing her own very extensive range of tasks: office organization, purchasing, inventory management, correspondence, auditing, accounting … no, making the boss’s coffee is not one of them, “everyone here simply does it themselves. Looking at it closely, Katharina Luckner does everything she can so that the others can work in peace and keeps their backs open. “In the past, this was called the “backbone of the team. Today, it’s called “backup.”
She started at Meter‑Q in 2018 and is still fascinated by the sophisticated solutions that are developed here. That’s where she gets a little itchy in the fingers, because she herself likes to do handicrafts. A practical woman, she lives out her creative streak at home, designing and decorating the apartment and fixing what’s broken. Almost like Meter‑Q.

Pavlos Pessios
In meter‑Q’s workshop, the planners’ forward-looking designs are transformed into hard reality. This is where electrical specialist Pavlos Pessios has been working since 2019. For example, the production of individual control cabinets, hardly any of which resembles the other, because he meticulously adapts them to the wishes of the customer.
It is a complex job that requires as much training as experience and mechanical sensitivity. And it is precisely this, namely the versatility of the requirements (“We actually have to be able to do everything”) that gives the “certified expert for gas pressure, gas control and measurement systems” pleasure. Just a moment ago, he was precisely cutting, bending and screwing stainless steel tubes, when he was already on his way to the customer with the assembly bus to successfully install his work. Every day something new, that’s how it should be,” Pessios thinks proudly: “We don’t do anything by the book here.”

Karsten Szameitpreuksch
State Certified Technician
“As compact and mobile as possible” is how Szameitpreuksch, the project manager and planner, wants to see his plants built, while also being technologically top-notch, perfectly customized, solid and visually appealing. He takes it for granted that he will always live up to this high standard: “We don’t do a run of the mill here!”
His tasks range from the preparation of quotations, plan drawings and project coordination to the finished installation on the construction site. Whereby already the beginning has a great importance for him: The tender must be fulfilled but still reviewed and questioned. This means “listen, look, discuss …”. And then think well. “You have to get deep into the subject matter first,” he says, to find individual, cutting-edge and truly future-proof solutions.

Andrej Wolf
New-greed would be an apt term for Andrej Wolf, and in a positive sense: what drives him is constant learning in his field of work, gas measurement technology. Although he joined the company — in 2017 — as an experienced electrical engineer, Wolf has since “learned something more every day” as project manager and workshop manager. Because “every order is something new! We don’t build standard plants. With us, everything is customer-specific.”
Thus, his activities also include issues of automation, communication technology and mechanics. “All of us here have to be flexible,” he says, “which means not only office work, but there’s also a lot of manual work to be done.” He is glad that his colleagues see it the same way.
Away from work, he enjoys reading, gardening, cycling and, when possible, winter sports.

And that’s you!
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Your Meter‑Q team