
The best solution comes from listening

At meterQ we aim to satis­fy each and every one of our cus­to­mers. To achie­ve this, we take the time to look at all the requi­re­ments and talk to the cus­to­mer, and abo­ve all: lis­ten to him.

We regis­ter gene­ral requi­re­ments as well as requests that devia­te from the stan­dard order. Many pro­jects are 90% stan­dard. Yet, we will also imple­ment the miss­ing 10%, for which new ide­as and inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons are nee­ded.

Our goal is always 100% — 100% satis­fied cus­to­mers.

Bro­chu­re (Down­load PDF)


What kind of projects we implement

We are experts in pro­jects with mea­su­re­ment tech­no­lo­gy around natu­ral gas and H2. The sca­le ran­ges from pure natu­ral gas over any natu­ral gas/H2-mix­tures to pure H2. We do ever­y­thing from small moder­niza­ti­ons or con­ver­si­ons of exis­ting plants to more com­plex retro­fits and com­ple­te mea­su­re­ment con­tai­ners or plants. A pro­ject for us includes the fol­lo­wing parts:

­ Con­sul­ting
Cus­to­mer accep­tance

On the gas side, ever­y­thing starts with the sam­pling (pro­be), via the sup­p­ly line, pres­su­re reduction/sample pre­pa­ra­ti­on, via the mea­su­ring devices to the blo­wers. Of cour­se, meters also belong to this cate­go­ry.

On the elec­tri­cal side, we hook-up the mea­su­ring device, pro­vi­de cabling, Ex bar­riers, an asso­cia­ted data pro­ces­sing unit, volu­me cor­rec­tor and the con­trol cabi­net as an inter­face to exis­ting elec­tro­nic cus­to­mer infra­struc­tu­re. If desi­red, WIFI is also pos­si­ble.


Everything is possible! …

… this is our mot­to at meterQ, be it a spe­cial requi­re­ment within a pro­ject, or be it the solu­ti­on for a uni­que task. The­re are many examp­les:
  • a spe­cial sam­ple coll­ec­tor for the ana­ly­sis of long-chain hydro­car­bons,
  • a mobi­le mea­su­ring sys­tem as trai­ler or mova­ble con­tai­ner,
  • an indi­vi­du­al­ly adapt­ed gas sup­p­ly unit
  • an indi­vi­du­al­ly adapt­ed gas sup­p­ly unit
  • a labo­ra­to­ry rack to ope­ra­te an MGQflex in the labo­ra­to­ry

The decisi­ve fac­tor for us is what the cus­to­mer needs and not what we alre­a­dy have in the dra­wer.

Our enga­ge­ment does not stop at simp­le engi­nee­ring, we also look for and offer solu­ti­ons for more fun­da­men­tal pro­blems. The requi­re­ment that is heard most often from cus­to­mers, is the request to redu­ce emis­si­ons in the con­text of gas ana­ly­sis. This con­cerns the mea­su­ring device its­elf and the asso­cia­ted bypass. We have deve­lo­ped a who­le arse­nal of pos­si­bi­li­ties to dra­sti­cal­ly redu­ce the bypass emis­si­ons of mea­su­ring sys­tems and thus to pro­tect both the envi­ron­ment (green­house gas!) and the pur­se (was­te of gas) of our cus­to­mers. The pos­si­bi­li­ties ran­ge from com­pu­ta­tio­nal design to a spe­cial extra­c­tion sys­tem that make the use of a bypass unneces­sa­ry, to the con­ver­si­on and opti­miza­ti­on of exis­ting mea­su­re­ment sys­tems.

Final­ly, if a pro­ject is too lar­ge in terms of requi­re­ments or scope to be tack­led alo­ne, we have a relia­ble and expe­ri­en­ced part­ner in Bil­fin­ger Engi­nee­ring & Main­ten­an­ce GmbH who can also hand­le lar­ge pro­jects.

indi­vi­du­al­ly adapt­ed gas sup­p­ly unit

Project Solutions

Where others give up, we continue

Our cla­im, which we take very serious­ly, is to advi­se each cus­to­mer objec­tively and in the best pos­si­ble way. We want satis­fied cus­to­mers. We respect the wis­hes of our cus­to­mers, even if pro­ducts of our com­pe­ti­tors should be spe­ci­fied in a pro­ject. We don’t reject a pro­ject becau­se it is too small or becau­se we can’t pull all the pie­ces right out of the dra­wer. We find a solu­ti­on, even if a cus­to­mer comes to us with an open pro­blem.

Meter-Q Solutions GmbH
Grüner Weg 7
D-61169 Friedberg
+49 6031 96587 40