The per­fect mea­su­re­ment of gas can avo­id unneces­sa­ry cos­ts, secu­re high yields, and sus­tain­ab­ly pro­tect our cli­ma­te Our ambi­ti­on is to achie­ve just that. We want to be the best at it by offe­ring inno­va­ti­ve, uni­que solu­ti­ons. If you want to know more, read on… If you want to know more, read on…

Bro­chu­re (Down­load PDF)


The energy of the future — we are prepaired

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Climate protection by emission-free analysis

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our claim — our promise

To perfect gas analysis

Meter‑Q Solu­ti­ons GmbH is an engi­nee­ring com­pa­ny that does plan­ning and sys­tem inte­gra­ti­on for your pro­jects, focu­sing on:

  • Gas (qua­li­ty) ana­ly­sis
  • Volu­metric mea­su­re­ment and volu­me cor­rec­tion
  • Auto­ma­ti­on and pro­cess con­trol
  • Ser­vice and com­mis­sio­ning

We design, plan, and exe­cu­te the pro­ject of a new instal­la­ti­on or the moder­niza­ti­on of your exis­ting gas instal­la­ti­ons. Depen­ding on your requi­re­ments, we pro­vi­de con­sul­ting ser­vices for pro­ject Depen­ding on your requi­re­ments, we pro­vi­de con­sul­ting ser­vices for pro­ject manage­ment, plan­ning tasks, spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on, pre­pa­ra­ti­on of ten­der docu­ments, pro­cu­re­ment, docu­men­ta­ti­on, con­trol cabi­net and ana­ly­zer cabi­net pro­duc­tion as well as instal­la­ti­on and com­mis­sio­ning tasks.


Inno­va­ti­on, com­bi­na­ti­on, pre­cis­i­on

MeterQ: about us

Where others stop, we continue.

Sin­ce we star­ted in 2014 with the goal of beco­ming one of the top addres­ses for gas ana­ly­tics, we fre­quent­ly ques­tio­ned this high stan­dard. Today, we know we are very clo­se to our goal which is also reflec­ted to us by our cus­to­mers.


News from our world

In our blog we inform you about new deve­lo­p­ments in the tech­no­lo­gy of gas ana­ly­sis and gas mea­su­re­ment. Learn the latest about our acti­vi­ties and pro­jects here.

meterQ has found its new home in Friedberg

meterQ is plea­sed to announ­ce the relo­ca­ti­on of its head­quar­ters to Fried­berg, mar­king a signi­fi­cant mile­stone in the company’s histo­ry. Fol­lo­wing a pro­spe­rous ten­ure in Butz­bach, the move signi­fies…

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Our promise — our responsibility

Sustainability through hydrogen technology and emission reduction

At meterQ we wri­te CLIMATE PROTECTION in capi­tal let­ters! Our ana­ly­zers are 100% hydro­gen capa­ble. At the same time, we offer solu­ti­ons for emis­si­on reduc­tion up to the com­ple­te eli­mi­na­ti­on of a bypass wit­hout nega­ti­ve impact on the respon­se time. Our GCs con­sis­t­ent­ly use modern micro and nano tech­no­lo­gy. The result is a plat­form that is 4x fas­ter and 20x more sen­si­ti­ve than estab­lished tech­no­lo­gy while still being smal­ler, ligh­ter, and easier to main­tain.

Meter-Q Solutions GmbH
Grüner Weg 7
D-61169 Friedberg
+49 6031 96587 40