Consulting & Service

We will find your solution!

We lis­ten to the cus­to­mer to under­stand the pro­blem. In the next step, we work tog­e­ther with the cus­to­mer to find a solu­ti­on that is both tech­ni­cal­ly and eco­no­mic­al­ly opti­mal.

We accom­pa­ny the cus­to­mer from the offer to the imple­men­ted solu­ti­on of the pro­blem. Pro­ven solu­ti­ons and com­pon­ents of the cus­to­mer are inte­gra­ted as well as new pro­ducts which are available on the inter­na­tio­nal mar­ket.



We advi­se our cus­to­mers in various are­as and sol­ve the pro­blem when other com­pa­nies have alre­a­dy given up.
Some examp­les from our prac­ti­ce:


The task in this case was to con­ti­nuous­ly sam­ple natu­ral gas from a gas pipe­line 3 m below ground. The key pro­blem was that the pro­be had to be exten­da­ble under ope­ra­ting pres­su­re, as the pipe­line must be clea­ned from time to time. Here Meter‑Q Solu­ti­ons was able to find a spe­cial pro­be in the inter­na­tio­nal mar­ket and thus pro­vi­de the solu­ti­on. The­se sys­tems have now been suc­cessful­ly in ope­ra­ti­on for years.

Low to High Calorific Value gas conversion

The task here was to mea­su­re the calo­ri­fic value of the natu­ral gas as quick­ly as pos­si­ble in order to adjust the calo­ri­fic value to the desi­red tar­get value. Meter‑Q Solu­ti­ons deve­lo­ped two sys­tems here: One is a sta­tio­na­ry sys­tem and the other is a mobi­le sys­tem. Both sys­tems have a T90 time of <15 seconds.

High pressure test facility for gas meters in Germany and internationally

Meter‑Q Solu­ti­ons GmbH has led the con­cep­tu­al design and also the rea­liza­ti­on of the test faci­li­ties in seve­ral pro­jects in Ger­ma­ny and abroad.

Emission reduction

We give you a satis­fy­ing ans­wer to the ques­ti­on of how to redu­ce or com­ple­te­ly avo­id gas emis­si­on of your gas ana­ly­sis instal­la­ti­on via the bypass! First, we can cal­cu­la­te the actu­al mea­su­re­ment delay of your instal­la­ti­on based on the bypass set­ting, so that you have a rea­li­stic decis­i­on base for the set­ting.

After this first step, we pro­po­se a con­cept on how to opti­mi­ze the exis­ting instal­la­ti­on to fur­ther redu­ce the emis­si­on through the bypass wit­hout having to accept a lar­ger mea­su­re­ment delay.

In many cases, using of the MGCdirect can even make the bypass com­ple­te­ly unneces­sa­ry and redu­ce this emis­si­on to zero. Of cour­se, ever­y­thing said appli­es not only to natu­ral gas, but also to hydro­gen.


In addi­ti­on to the exe­cu­ti­on of pro­jects, Meter‑Q Solu­ti­ons GmbH can assist in or prepa­re ten­der docu­ments for metro­lo­gi­cal tasks.

Market analyses

Ano­ther field of acti­vi­ty of Meter‑Q Solu­ti­ons GmbH are cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic mar­ket ana­ly­ses for metro­lo­gi­cal tasks in the natu­ral gas and hydro­gen sec­tor.

No task is too com­plex for meterQ. If you have any pro­blems in the field of metro­lo­gy, plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us!



Our employees are experts for gas pres­su­re con­trol and mea­su­ring sys­tems in net­work ope­ra­ti­on and in indus­try (DVGW work­s­heets G 491, G 459–2, G 492, G 495 and DIN EN 746 Part 2). Thus, in addi­ti­on to pla­cing the com­pon­ents (high-pres­su­re redu­cer, gas sup­p­ly unit, etc.), our employees can install the piping bet­ween the com­pon­ents, such as the instal­la­ti­on of a sam­pling pro­be and the data connection/cabling. Fol­lo­wing the instal­la­ti­on, cold as well as hot com­mis­sio­ning inclu­ding signal check is car­ri­ed out by meterQ


Service and maintenance

meterQ’s pro­duct solu­ti­ons always are low main­ten­an­ce. Should ser­vice be neces­sa­ry, howe­ver, most pro­blems can be sol­ved via remo­te con­nec­tion or assis­tance, thus mini­mi­zing tra­vel and ser­vice time on site and the asso­cia­ted cos­ts.

The MGCflex is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by a very ser­vice-fri­end­ly modu­lar design. The GC plug-in modu­le (GC mea­su­ring unit) of the MGCflex can be repla­ced in just under an hour, in con­trast to other PGCs (who­se con­ver­si­on usual­ly takes 1 to 2 days). After instal­la­ti­on the GC is imme­dia­te­ly rea­dy for use again.


Mobile gas quality measurement

The sys­tem for mobi­le gas qua­li­ty mea­su­re­ment is offi­ci­al­ly appro­ved for natu­ral gas and bio­gas mea­su­re­ment. The appli­ca­ti­on of the MGCflex for hydro­gen as cus­t­ody trans­fer mea­su­re­ment is in pre­pa­ra­ti­on. For non-cus­t­ody trans­fer mea­su­re­ments, the MGCmobi­le can alre­a­dy be used to deter­mi­ne the calo­ri­fic value of hydro­gen and its impu­ri­ties.

For tem­po­ra­ry use of the MGCmobi­le — be it for moni­to­ring a calo­ri­fic value recon­s­truc­tion sys­tem in trans­port net­works or for calo­ri­fic value track­ing in dis­tri­bu­ti­on net­works, or even as an emer­gen­cy repla­ce­ment sys­tem — you can rent the MGCmobi­le.

Plea­se cont­act us for details

Meter-Q Solutions GmbH
Grüner Weg 7
D-61169 Friedberg
+49 6031 96587 40