Sustainability through hydrogen technology and emission reduction

At meterQ we place gre­at empha­sis on cli­ma­te pro­tec­tion. Our ana­ly­zers are 100% hydro­gen capa­ble. At the same time, we offer solu­ti­ons for bypass emis­si­on reduc­tion up to sys­tem that work com­ple­te­ly wit­hout bypass with no nega­ti­ve impact on respon­se time. Our GCs con­sis­t­ent­ly use modern micro and nano tech­no­lo­gy. The result is a plat­form that is 4x fas­ter and 20x more sen­si­ti­ve than estab­lished tech­no­lo­gy, while still being smal­ler ligh­ter and easier to main­tain.


Classic gas analysis using new technology: the MGCflex

Our stan­dard PGC for cus­t­ody trans­fer mea­su­re­ment of natu­ral gas/hydrogen mix­tures is well equip­ped for every con­ceiva­ble task in this field up to Ex-Zone 1: Trans­fer mea­su­re­ment, blen­ding and con­di­tio­ning plants, bio­gas, LNG and hydro­gen injec­tion, sto­rage faci­li­ties.

In addi­ti­on to bil­ling mea­su­re­ment, the MGCflex is also sui­ta­ble for mixing tasks, for pro­cess con­trol and can even take over limit value moni­to­ring for com­pon­ents such as oxy­gen due to its short mea­su­ring cycles of only 45s and its high sen­si­ti­vi­ty. Low main­ten­an­ce and ope­ra­ting cos­ts com­ple­te the pic­tu­re.

Apart from car­ri­er gas, the­re are no con­su­ma­bles that need to be repla­ced regu­lar­ly, such as spe­cial fil­ters. Car­ri­er gas con­sump­ti­on can even be redu­ced if a par­ti­cu­lar­ly fast mea­su­re­ment is not requi­red.

appr­oval (down­load PDF)


Mobility without compromise: the MGCmobile

MGCflex and MGCmobi­le com­ple­ment each other per­fect­ly. In terms of mea­su­re­ment tech­no­lo­gy, both sys­tems are iden­ti­cal. They share a PTB appr­oval in which the MGCmobi­le is expli­cit­ly lis­ted and descri­bed as MGCflex‑m. The MGCmobi­le has been deve­lo­ped for mea­su­re­ment tasks in which mobi­li­ty is important. This can be a con­trol mea­su­re­ment at any loca­ti­on, for exam­p­le in a gas com­po­si­ti­on recon­s­truc­tion sys­tem. The MGCmobi­le can also be used to check ano­ther PGC or to replace it at short noti­ce in case of fail­ure.

MGCmobi­le is a mea­su­re­ment case that fits in almost any car, can be easi­ly trans­por­ted by one per­son, and put into ope­ra­ti­on in less than two hours. In addi­ti­on to the mea­su­ring case, the sys­tem includes a small elec­tro­nics and sup­p­ly case and a tri­pod with the blo­wers. MGCmobi­le is of cour­se also desi­gned for use in ATEX Zone 1. The case can be ope­ra­ted with an inter­nal 2 L car­ri­er gas and an inter­nal 2 L cali­bra­ti­on gas cylin­der or alter­na­tively with extern­al­ly con­nec­ted gases.

If the MGCmobi­le is to run self-suf­fi­ci­ent­ly for exten­ded peri­ods of time, it can be inte­gra­ted into a small and light­weight trai­ler that pro­vi­des space for stan­dard sized gas cylin­ders, the ope­ra­ting and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on elec­tro­nics, and even an inde­pen­dent power source. The sys­tem is modu­lar, so the case can be remo­ved at any time and used on its own as descri­bed abo­ve.

appr­oval (down­load PDF)

Analysis Equipment

Focus on reaction time and emission reduction: the MGCdirect

The robust and com­pact mea­su­ring sys­tem of the MGC series allows with the MGCdirect an even more inno­va­ti­ve vari­ant than the ones descri­bed abo­ve: As a trans­mit­ter, the MGCdirect is moun­ted in a small wea­ther­pro­of box abo­ve the tap­ping point, direct­ly on the pipe­line. With about one meter bet­ween the ana­ly­zer and the gas line, the con­di­ti­ons for a fast respon­se mea­su­re­ment are opti­mal with the MGCdi­rect.

A spe­cial sam­pling sys­tem is used that feeds gas to the pres­su­re reduc­tion unit and loops unu­sed rema­in­der direct­ly back into the pipe­line using a spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned sam­ple pro­be. The gas exch­an­ge is very fast, and the loop makes it pos­si­ble to achie­ve this wit­hout a bypass.

With the fast mea­su­re­ment, the short distance, and the spe­cial sam­pling sys­tem, the MGCdirect can achie­ve by far the fas­test pos­si­ble respon­se time. It is the­r­e­fo­re ide­al­ly sui­ted for all tasks whe­re fast detec­tion of chan­ges in gas qua­li­ty is essen­ti­al. Com­pa­ring the MGCdirect with an avera­ge clas­si­cal­ly instal­led PGC, the saved bypass leads to a reduc­tion of emis­si­ons by about 95 %!

The­re are addi­tio­nal advan­ta­ges com­pared to a clas­sic instal­la­ti­on. A spe­cial ana­ly­sis buil­ding or con­tai­ner is no lon­ger neces­sa­ry. Only the ope­ra­ting gases (car­ri­er gas and cali­bra­ti­on gas) need to be instal­led near the MGCdirect. For indoor instal­la­ti­ons, a con­ven­tio­nal gas sup­p­ly unit is suf­fi­ci­ent. For out­door instal­la­ti­ons, a hea­ted cabi­net is requi­red and a hea­ted cali­bra­ti­on gas line. The need for the usual­ly much lon­ger hea­ted sam­ple gas line is eli­mi­na­ted, howe­ver. Only a sin­gle Ether­net cable is nee­ded to con­nect the cabi­net to the elec­tri­cal room. The MGCdirect is the­r­e­fo­re usual­ly the che­a­per and always the more sus­tainable alter­na­ti­ve to any clas­sic PGC instal­la­ti­on.

appr­oval (down­load PDF)

Analysis Equipment

Continuous calorific value measurement: the MGQflex

When one mea­su­re­ment per second is not enough and a con­ti­nuous rea­ding is nee­ded, the right solu­ti­on is the cor­re­la­ti­ve MGQflex. Once you have a true ana­log and con­ti­nuous rea­ding like this, it can be direct­ly used to con­trol a gas conditioning/blending sys­tem. It can be used for the con­di­tio­ning of bio­gas, the mixing of two dif­fe­rent gas qua­li­ties or any simi­lar task.

The ope­ra­ting prin­ci­ple of the MGQflex is based on the well-known cor­re­la­ti­on bet­ween Calo­ri­fic Value (Wob­be Index) on the one hand and ther­mal con­duc­ti­vi­ty and heat capa­ci­ty on the other. For this pur­po­se, the MGQflex mea­su­res the ther­mal con­duc­ti­vi­ty of the flowing gas sam­ple at dif­fe­rent tem­pe­ra­tures. To eli­mi­na­te any pos­si­ble drift, the instru­ment cali­bra­tes its­elf auto­ma­ti­cal­ly at regu­lar inter­vals using a per­ma­nent­ly con­nec­ted metha­ne cylin­der.

MGQflex is signi­fi­cant­ly less expen­si­ve than a PGC, both in terms of purcha­se and ope­ra­ti­on. . If only the Calo­ri­fic Value or the Wob­be Index is of inte­rest, and if you can do wit­hout a cus­t­ody trans­fer appr­oval and a maxi­mum error smal­ler than 0.1 %, the MGQflex is the best choice. With the obser­va­ble increase in fluc­tua­ti­on of the natu­ral gas qua­li­ties in the Ger­man net­work, every indus­tri­al cus­to­mer and every ope­ra­tor of gas engi­nes or tur­bi­nes can bene­fit from an MGQflex.


Advantages from both worlds: the MGCduo

Becau­se the MGCduo is par­ti­cu­lar­ly com­pact and fast, it can easi­ly be packa­ged with an MGCflex to take advan­ta­ge of both sys­tems. Der MGCduo pro­du­ces con­ti­nuous ana­log rea­dings with an uncer­tain­ty of < 1 % that can be used for con­trol and a full ana­ly­sis every 45s that can even be used for cus­t­ody trans­fer. < If desi­red, the MGQ rea­ding can be regu­lar­ly cor­rec­ted with the MGC rea­ding.

This sys­tem is par­ti­cu­lar­ly safe becau­se gas is always mea­su­red in par­al­lel using two dif­fe­rent mea­su­ring prin­ci­ples. Any instru­ment error beco­mes imme­dia­te­ly appa­rent and if one of the two sys­tems fail, the respec­ti­ve other will con­ti­nue to pro­du­ce usable mea­su­re­ment results.

Meter-Q Solutions GmbH
Grüner Weg 7
D-61169 Friedberg
+49 6031 96587 40