About us

Sin­ce we star­ted in 2014 with the goal of beco­ming one of the top addres­ses for gas ana­ly­tics, we fre­quent­ly ques­tio­ned this high stan­dard. Today, we know we are very clo­se to our goal which is also reflec­ted to us by our cus­to­mers.

Qualified and flexible

We will find your way!

Whe­re others give up, we go in fin­ding ways that lead to the goal and are sus­tainable as well as eco­no­mic­al­ly imple­men­ted. For us, the topic of “sus­taina­bi­li­ty” is not just an emp­ty phra­se, but a dai­ly requi­re­ment for ever­y­thing we do.

Ethical and prudent

Our claim is our responsibility

This is how we under­stand our respon­si­bi­li­ty for the tech­no­lo­gy of our socie­ty:

mini­mi­zing emis­si­ons in the mea­su­ring tech­ni­ques we deve­lop — con­ser­ving resour­cesin pro­duc­tion, admi­nis­tra­ti­on and logi­stics -saving ener­gy in our buil­dings, pro­ces­ses and trans­ports -social respon­si­bi­li­ty through fair coope­ra­ti­on with our employees — coope­ra­ti­ve part­ner­ship with our sup­pli­ers and -com­mit­ted respon­si­bi­li­ty for social pro­jects that are important to us.

Plea­se under­stand our ambi­tious cla­im as an invi­ta­ti­on to find your tail­or-made solu­ti­on tog­e­ther with you. You should be satis­fied with not­hing less.

Experience and team spirit

Success parameters

Meter‑Q Solu­ti­ons GmbH, foun­ded in 2014 and based in Butz­bach, Ger­ma­ny, posi­ti­ons its­elf as a part­ner in the natu­ral gas indus­try with high­ly qua­li­fied, expe­ri­en­ced employees.

Our suc­cess is the sum of many fac­tors: pas­si­on and per­se­ver­ance, inten­si­ve part­ner­ship with cus­to­mers and con­s­truc­ti­ve team spi­rit, expe­ri­ence from over seven years of prac­ti­ce, com­bi­ned with the know­ledge gai­ned from count­less ana­ly­sis tech­ni­ques and pro­ces­ses.

Our know-how


our staff

Our Team

Get to know our employees here. We will intro­du­ce you per­so­nal­ly.

Meter-Q Solutions GmbH
Grüner Weg 7
D-61169 Friedberg

+49 6031 96587 40