The MGCdirect by meter Q has recei­ved PTB appr­oval. The MGCdirect thus com­ple­tes the MGC fami­ly.

The MGCflex and the MGCmobi­le had alre­a­dy recei­ved PTB appr­oval in Febru­ary 2022. The MGCmobi­le is the first mobi­le gas com­po­si­ti­on mea­su­re­ment with PTB appr­oval. The MGCdirect is the first PGC in the world that can be instal­led in a pro­tec­ti­ve box with the sam­ple pre­pa­ra­ti­on and sam­pling pro­be direct­ly on the sam­ple gas line.

The advan­ta­ge is that the trans­port of the gas from the pro­ces­sing plant to the MGC is only a few cen­ti­me­ters. This means that the bypass for pur­ging the dead time can be dis­pen­sed with. This saves up to 97% of natu­ral gas emis­si­ons per meter­ing point. Within 45 seconds, the MGCdirect deli­vers a repre­sen­ta­ti­ve ana­ly­sis result wit­hout bypass. In addi­ti­on to the clas­sic natu­ral gas com­pon­ents, the ana­ly­sis also includes hydro­gen, oxy­gen and nitro­gen.

Meter-Q Solutions GmbH
Grüner Weg 7
D-61169 Friedberg
+49 6031 96587 40