A new mile­stone in the deve­lo­p­ment of the com­pa­ny Meter‑Q Solu­ti­ons GmbH: Mr. Ulf Leh­mann was appoin­ted test cen­ter mana­ger (Prüf­stel­len­lei­ter) and Dr. Jan Suhr depu­ty test cen­ter mana­ger (stell­ver­tre­ten­der Prüf­stel­len­ei­ter) by the Hes­si­sche Eich­di­rek­ti­on.

Thus meter Q now also offers ser­vices in the field of fis­cal veri­fi­ca­ti­on of calo­ri­fic value mea­su­ring instru­ments, pro­cess gas chro­ma­to­graphs, calo­ri­fic value calo­ri­me­ters, as well as the hand­ling of cer­ti­fied test gases.

Meter-Q Solutions GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Straße 10
D-35510 Butzbach

+49 6033 92 45 20